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Writer's pictureJanie Baran

Create a Habit of Daily Movement in Three Steps

Have you ever paid for a gym membership with the best intentions of making it a regular part of your day to workout but, to your frustration, life got in the way and your gym membership went to waste? If you’ve tried to make movement a regular part of your daily routine but you just haven’t been able to make it a habit yet, keep reading because this blog is for you!

I think we all know that it’s the small, yet consistent, changes we make to our daily lives that build upon each other and ultimately bring about some of the biggest change in our lives.

Movement is extremely important to our physical, emotional, mental, and even spiritual well being. If you don’t already have a regular exercise routine, you’re going to have the opportunity, and hopefully motivation and inspiration to start today! I know many of us have busy schedules and it’s not always easy to fit a regular exercise program into our lives. But the benefit of movement is so great, that it’s worth making the time in our day.

Did you know that it’s been shown that movement has a huge impact on our mental health and wellbeing? We already know that it affects how we look, feel, and function physically. But regular movement is shown to significantly play a role in decreasing depression, anxiety, and stress!

So what are the reasons why people, you maybe, have tried to make movement and exercise a regular part of your routine but have not had success?

The first reason may be that you tried to go too hard. When you’re trying to make changes in your life, you have to start small and grow gradually. Otherwise, you are setting yourself up for failure. Let’s set ourselves up for success instead by starting small!

What if you commit to just 10 minutes a day for now? It’s true, 10 minutes a day might not get you that six pack and it might not prepare you for that marathon. But it’s an important stepping stone towards those bigger goals. And the impact will be huge! The impact will be that you will find yourself becoming consistent and that will, in turn, be encouraging to you as you see yourself stick with it each day! Once you have established the habit of consistently moving your body intentionally 10 minutes each day, you can gradually increase that time. Think through your days and figure out a time of day you can be consistent at spending 10 minutes moving your body.

The second reason you may have not accomplished your movement goals are making things too complicated. You don’t have to go to the gym to move! And you don't need fancy equipment either. By removing obstacles like having to drive to a gym each morning or after work, or whenever you go, you also remove what could become excuses if you’re not careful. The easier you make it to succeed, the higher your chances of success are. So if you’re struggling to get into the routine of working out each day, I recommend you drop the gym membership and find other ways to add movement into your day. Don’t over-complicate things, keep it as simple as possible.

That brings me to the third reason you might not accomplish your movement goals. And that is: you might be trying to exercise in a way that is not personally enjoyable for you! I know, I know, you might THINK that movement in general is what is not enjoyable. But I disagree. I think it’s possible to find some sort of movement that each one of us can enjoy! There are so many different types to pick from. So look around, do a little research, try some different things and see what you like and what you want to stay away from. This will help you stay consistent because it will become enjoyable to you. Do you like to lift weights? Do you prefer kinesthetics? What about movement through dance? Pilates? Swimming? Biking? Running? There are so many options! Pick one that suits you!

So let’s summarize:

  • First, you’ve got to start small so that you can establish a consistent habit. 10 minutes a day is a great place to start!

  • Second, keep it simple! Eliminate the drive to the gym and keep your gear simple too when you’re first getting started.

  • And third, do something you like! It’s not meant to be torture! Keep trying new things until something clicks for you.

What do you think has been your biggest hurdle in the past for adding movement into your daily routine? Leave me a comment, I’d love to know!

If you want a head start in your journey to becoming the person God created you to be, I’ve made some printable journal prompt pages that are yours for free! You can click here to get yours. Download those and use them each morning to really set your day off right!

Woman running by ocean as part of her daily movement habit

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