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Writer's pictureJanie Baran

How To Create a Morning Routine in 3 EASY Steps

Most of us know that a morning routine would benefit our lives, but there’s so much info out there…where do we start? What do we include? Have you felt overwhelmed while trying to figure out your own morning routine? Keep reading, because this blog is for you!

Okay, If you are anything like me, you’ve consumed lots of videos of people’s morning routines on the internet. These videos have been such an inspiration to me as I developed my own morning routine. However, it CAN feel overwhelming if you are trying to develop a morning routine for the first time. There are so many options…which ones do you do? Which ones do you omit? Or, do you wake up at 3am and just do them all?! If the overwhelm is keeping you from starting your morning routine, stick around, because I’m about to break it down in a way that you can both start and personalize your morning routine with ease!

First off, why develop a morning routine in the first place? Morning routines are so important because, how we start our day will affect how we approach and feel throughout the rest of our day. Notice, I didn’t say it would change what happens in your day. As much as I’d love to have control of every part of my life, that just isn’t the case. What I CAN control is my perspective and my response to my circumstances and the people in my life. That’s where a good morning routine comes in. A good morning routine’s job is to reset our perspective and intentions for each day before it begins. With that being said, we also need to get our minds, hearts, and bodies ready for the day so that we can give our best each and every day.

So without further ado, here are the three items I believe every morning routine should have:

Number one: A good morning routine should hydrate you and give your body what it might lack upon waking. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. You are never going to see a morning routine without some form of hydration. Our bodies become dehydrated overnight and desperately need that hydration first thing in the morning to wake up and get all the systems running smoothly. Our brains need hydration to function optimally as well. So this is a must. WHAT you drink first thing in the morning can and should be personalized to you. Some people drink lemon water to help their bodies detox. Some drink matcha for a clean energy boost. Another option is a vitamin powder or collagen booster. I, personally, need electrolytes in the morning as mine tend to run low. I like to drink a clean but tasty electrolyte replenisher each morning. So think about your body’s needs and pick your daily morning drink to take care of those needs and optimize your day.

Number two: As I mentioned before, a good morning routine is going to set your perspective and intentions for the day. Life throws so many things at us on any given day. It is so easy to get distracted and off track with what really is important in life. We can so easily lose focus if we aren’t intentional. That’s why your morning routine must have an element of perspective and intention setting to it. There are so many ways you can do this. Just start with one. Some ideas include: meditation, journaling, listening to something inspirational, gratitude journaling, and reading God’s Word. Which one helps you set your intentions for the day and gain a better perspective on life? Do that one!

Number three: Finally, every morning routine needs movement. Our bodies have been resting all night and we need to get them moving in the morning. This is important for blood flow, drainage, energy, and so much more! Move in a way that feels beneficial for your body. It doesn’t have to be a full on, intense workout, all though, it certainly can be! It can also be a brisk morning walk with the dogs, or gentle stretching and yoga. Pick what’s best for you, but be sure to include some form of movement in your morning routine.

So let’s go back over those: If your morning routine includes: hydration, intention setting, and movement, then you will be setting yourself up to approach each day in the best way possible. Of course, you can always add to your morning routine later or switch things around. But don’t try to do too much at first. Just pick one thing in each of these categories and start there.

Do you have a daily morning routine? If so, what elements have you included into yours? Leave a comment, I’d love to know!

If you want to make journaling a part of your intentional lifestyle, I’ve created some amazing printable daily journal prompts that are super helpful for bringing focus and intentionality into your day. It’s a completely free and you can find them by clicking here.

Woman watching the sunrise during her morning routine

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