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Writer's pictureJanie Baran

How To Create Affirmations That Work

It’s true, there’s a lot of hype out there around affirmations. And for good reason! But have you ever tried to create affirmations for yourself and felt like your brain just didn’t believe them, so you saw little or no change and gave up? Well, don’t give up quite yet because today’s blog is for you!

I’m going to talk about creating affirmations that are powerful enough for your mind to believe. If you’ve created affirmations in the past, we’re going to do something a little bit different. So let’s get started!

First, let’s talk about what an affirmation is and why they are important. An affirmation is something we say out loud to ourselves that we want to be part of our system of beliefs. In the world we live in, with so many voices and opinions from others, social media, the news, and our own minds, it’s important to be intentional about what we tell ourselves about ourselves. We simply cannot allow everything that we hear or that we’re told or that we tell ourselves, to shape how we see ourselves. We must filter out the things we’re told or tell ourselves that aren’t true and that don’t serve us or others. A good way to filter out other voices is to speak truth over ourselves daily so that it’s fresh in our hearts and minds.

There’s a lot you could say in an affirmation, but I believe that it is crucial for your affirmations to be grounded in truth. You could tell yourself all day long that you are tall, but if you’re short, your brain is too smart, it’s never really going to believe it. And even if it did, it wouldn’t benefit you to believe something that is not true about yourself. Instead, a truthful affirmation might be, “I am strong and beautiful the height I am because I am the height I was created to be”.

So how do you create affirmations that really bring transformation? I believe the key is that you must give a reason behind each affirmation that you speak over yourself. I have done this, and I’m telling you, it’s so much more powerful. This really solidifies that what I am saying is true and I can show myself proof. I love to ground my affirmations in what God says about me in the Bible. For example, one of my daily affirmations is: “I am brave” and then I say, “Because God goes before me and behind me”. For you, depending on where you are in your faith journey, you might do the same. Or you might give other proof to your statements. You might say, “I am a good friend because I listen well when my friends share things with me”. If the latter is true, it will be effective in providing your brain proof that you are a good friend. And by the way, when you believe you are a good friend, you will act out of this belief and BE a good friend.

If you already have an affirmation routine but haven’t felt like it’s making a huge difference in your life, take some time to sit down and look over your affirmations. Come up with a truthful “because” statement for each one that will serve as “proof” for your affirmations. I’m telling you, you’ll see just how much more potent these statements become!

If this is your first time creating affirmations for yourself, I’m proud of you! You are taking initiative and responsibility for your thoughts and perspective on yourself, God, life, and others. You are making a choice to live out of truth rather than whatever anyone else tells you. Be sure to write or type out your statements and put them in a place where you will see them every single day. This could be by your bed, in the bathroom, in your car, or anywhere else you frequent daily.

Okay, to summarize:

  • Affirmations are super important to add to our daily lives in order to live with intentionality and purpose.

  • Affirmations we create MUST be grounded in truth and we need to give our brains “proof” for each statement.

  • Keep your affirmations somewhere where you will see them each day. And here’s a bonus tip: speak your affirmations out loud to yourself! Saying them out loud makes them even more impactful.

Have you incorporated affirmations into your daily routine? What has and hasn’t worked for you? Leave me a comment!

If you love journaling as part of your intentional lifestyle, I’ve created some amazing printable daily journal prompts that are super helpful for bringing focus and intentionality into your day. It’s a completely free and you can find them by clicking here!

Affirmation card with truth creating affirmations

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